
A-Level Law

Did You Know?

Approximately, 30,000 students apply to study Law at University each year.

Key Information


Two Year Course

Examination Board

"I love studying A-level Law at Notre Dame. Applying statutes and learning about new cases has increased my understanding of the current legal system in the United Kingdom and how trials work. As a result, I've decided to study law at university". - Arslaan Hussain, upper sixth student



This course is 100% exam based.  Students will complete three two hour exams at the end of the second year.

The course has three examined Units:
Paper 1: The Legal System and Criminal Law,
Paper 2:  Law Making and the Law of Tort,
Paper 3:  Nature of Law and Contract Law.

Papers 1 and 2 are comprised of two sections: A and B.  Students complete two questions from Section A (a short description answer and an evaluation) and two problem questions and an essay from Section B.
Paper 3 is slightly different.  There are two sections: A and B. Students complete one of two essay questions from Section A and two problem questions and an essay from Section B.
Sample examination papers can be found here.

What do I need to study this course?

Grade 5 or above in GCSE English Language

What will I study?

In Year One you will study Law Making and the Legal System which includes people who work in the Legal System, and the Civil and Criminal Courts. You will also study Criminal Law, including Offences against Property, Homicide and Defences. In Year Two you will complete the Law of Torts including Negligence, Nuisance and the Liability of Occupiers to Visitors and Trespassers, Nature of Law which considers how law interlinks with justice, morality and society, and Contract Law.

What next?

Many students go on to study a qualifying law degree (LLB) which can lead to a career as a solicitor or barrister. Some students take up work as paralegals or join legal apprenticeship schemes. Former students have also had careers outside the legal profession such as in banking, teaching, human resources departments, journalism, the Crown Prosecution Service and the police force.

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