General News

General News, Industry and Skills
A-level History Tudor Lecture
Upper Sixth Historians receive a lecture from University of Huddersfield lecture...
General News
Notre Dame's Award Winning Marketing Department!
The Notre Dame Marketing Team celebrate their success at the College Marketing N...
General News, Industry and Skills, T-Level News
Paediatric First Aid Training
Education and Early Years T Level students completed a paediatric first aid trai...
General News, Industry and Skills
Notre Dame Alumnus Shares Rolls Royce Insights
Ex-Notre Dame student Elijah visited to speak to our students about his degree a...
Catholic Life, General News
What is Notre Dame Day?
An exploration of Notre Dame's history and why we celebrate Notre Dame Day, incl...
General News, Industry and Skills
McCann Careers Talk
Strategic Director of McCann, a creative advertising agency, visited Notre Dame ...
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