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In2MedSchool Competition Success

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In2MedSchool Competition Success

In2MedSchool is the UK's leading widening participation initiative, in which their community of volunteers works with students, schools and communities to support students from disadvantaged backgrounds apply to study Medicine and healthcare-related degrees at university.

Davie Domalaon from L6, won the essay competition, writing about screen time. Davie shared 'In recent times, we've grown lax when it comes to regulating how long we spend on our mobile devices and just really how important screen time is. Writing this essay has helped me to understand the importance of setting boundaries not just on your phone, but for yourself. I did not expect to win the competition and the top prize however I am more than pleased with the result. I chose screen time as my theme because I understand how many of us use our phones for long periods of the day without break or rest, and causes us to develop something which resembles more of an addiction for our devices and I wanted to see how I could mitigate this. It has taught me when to step back from everything in the digital world when I feel anxious, stressed or worried and to find other ways to relax in my free time like developing or starting new hobbies or considering the outdoors; which not just me, but everyone is more than capable of achieving. I'm extremely thankful for both the In2Med organisation for running not only the competition but providing guidance and assistance when writing my essay and to my Biology Teacher, Hannah Smith, for encouraging me to take part in the competition. I'm more than grateful for the opportunity to have written a thoughtful piece of writing on a prevalent issue that many of us can relate to and try to stop for yourself'

L6 student Bettina Cahlig won the poster competition, in the first year that the organisation included this category so there were no previous examples to take inspiration from. It was also Bettina's first time making an academic poster - she's obviously a natural! Bettina took the same theme as Davie regarding screen time. She reflects 'I found the research competition fun as researching all about the effects of screentime was both interesting and eye-opening as it's a subject that a lot of people can relate to'.

The three were each awarded with a trophy to celebrate their achievement. Well done all, Notre Dame is proud of you!

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