On Thursday 19th December U6 T Level Health students attended a manual handling training event organised through Springfield Healthcare, who we work closely with. During the session students learnt to use a hoist correctly, taking it in turns to lift one another. The students also had a go at using slide sheets and Zimmer frames, practicing on one another.
Jenny Smith, Head of Department comment: 'Students will be undertaking practical assessments in summer and the skills learnt today will really help them to hopefully achieve high marks. The trainer was excellent and encouraged everyone to participate, I even let students lift me in the hoist! Hannah and I learnt a lot from the course too, which will support us when delivering practical sessions'.
Weronika Kuriata, Upper Sixth student said, 'The course helped me to understand how to maintain patient safety and my own safety when moving and handling. This has made me feel confident in supporting with manual handling on my community placement'.