Notre Dame’s Business Department set a challenge for their A-level students: to prepare a business plan for an innovative product or service.
30 of our lower sixth students took part, working in seven teams to develop their plan, which included financial information such as predicted sales. Each team shared their ideas with their peers and teachers at the end of March, and three teams went on to the Business Challenge final. This took place on April 26, when the top three business plans were presented to a board of potential investors: our marketing manager, head of business, deputy principal, and our principal. Each team of students described their product, answered questions from the board, and were provided with feedback.
The competition was fierce. After a period of consideration, the winning business was announced: Aquila, developed by students Anna, Sanvi and Zaynah, pictured above. The product they described in their business plan was a pair of glasses which contained sensors to detect obstacles for people with visual impairments. The glasses would generate automated auditory messages transmitted to the person wearing them through headphones. In this way, people with visual impairments would be able to more easily negotiate their surroundings.
Business teacher Francesca Ashton said, “'The A-level Business students have demonstrated great entrepreneurial flair in developing such creative and well-structured business plans. The department is proud of how all the students involved have developed a wide range of skills, from communication and time management to team working. Well done to all involved!'