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Students Meet Future Employers

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Students Meet Future Employers

At this year’s Notre Dame Careers Fair on April 26, 39 employers set up stands in our Main Hall and spoke to our students about a wide range of work experience, apprenticeship and graduate opportunities. The sectors represented included accountancy and finance, the armed forces, aviation, construction, engineering, further education, health care, law, heritage, local government, science, digital and IT, and gap year employment.

Several of the organisations in attendance had links to sustainability, in support of Notre Dame’s commitment to help meet the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Others worked in areas where more staff will be needed over the coming years, such as healthcare, digital and engineering.

The representatives from each organisation included a number of Notre Dame alumni. We’re very pleased to see our ex-students flourishing in their chosen careers.

We received excellent feedback from the employers and our students who attended, including the comments below.

One student said, “This was a really useful event, with people from some of the businesses and areas I’m interested in.”

An employer commented, “Thanks for having me, I’ve attended a lot of these events, and this was one of the best organised and thought through events that I’ve seen. A really good mix of people in the room and your fabulous students were clearly engaged, asking many thoughtful questions.  We’d love to be there next year and the very best of luck for your students over the coming months.”

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