During the last week of term Notre Dame hosts 2 days of enrichment for the Lower Sixth students. Part of this included the Sustainability Enrichment, where students were able to visit the Climate Innovation District in South Leeds, just outside the city centre, courtesy of Charlie and Savannah at Citu. Staff and students learnt about the philosophy of sustainable living within communities and saw how the entire district was planned around well-being; with clever planting around the river, trampolines, chill out nets and recreational areas. They learnt about the plan for a new primary school and a care home, and how all the building materials were manufactured in a factory on site. The trip finished off with a tour of a show home 'cuboid', with wooden constructed wall up to 18m; airtight with heat exchange pumps, air filtration and circulation systems, water collection, solar panels - the electricity bills were a quarter of the equivalent sized brick built house. Sue Lowe, Head of Biology, said 'It inspired all of us to strive to move to more sustainable way of life'.
Sustainability Enrichment at the Climate Innovation District
19 July 2024