Student Executive

What is the Student Executive?

The Student Executive are a group of students who meet weekly to try and enhance College life for students and support our local community. Some of the previous events the Student Executive have managed and organised include Notre Dame's Got Talent, Valentine's Day Roses, Homeless Sleepout and much more. Additionally, we raise money each year for charities such as CAFOD, Macmillan Cancer Support and Breast Cancer. A responsibility of the Student Executive is to try and leave a positive legacy and enhance every students' time at Notre Dame. 

Haleema Ghani

 Student President

Chairs meetings, creates agendas and attends governor meetings.

Martha Cherry

Vice President

Assisting the President in their duties and role

Alliyah Vegara

Charity Officer

Our Charity Officer works closely with our Chaplain staff to promote and organise student-led fundraising activities.  

Shreya Nair Raghavendran

Finance Officer

Keeping detailed, transparent accounts of all monies raised, creating budgets for Student Executive events, overseeing all spending and charitable donations, liaise with the Finance Department (staff) regarding payments and the Student Executive account.

Mia Cotton

Co-Faith Officer

Promotes and involves students in Chaplaincy.

Mia Lomotos

Co-Faith Officer

Promotes and involves students in Chaplaincy.

Benjamin Terry

Social Media and Marketing Officer

Helps create power points and social media posts for marketing purposes.

Lachlan Foston

Sustainability Officer

The role of the sustainability officer is to raise awareness and promote and greener, more sustainable way of life around the college. The environment officer has the opportunity to run independent projects and initiatives throughout the year.

Kate Neal

Wellbeing Officer

Helps promote activities and initiatives which look after the mental and physical health of our college community.

Crystal Kila

International Officer

Our International Officer works closely with the staff overseeing our international students to host welcome meetings and tours at the start of the year and also implements a mentoring/buddy system to support transitioning to UK education and lifestyles.

Brian Cieslak

Inclusion and Diversity

Our Diversity and Inclusion Officer supports and promotes a range of college enrichments including our LGBTQ+ club, Social Justice club and Random Acts of Kindness club.

Alyssa Jordan

LGBTQ+ Officer

Our LGBTQ+ Officer supports and promotes college enrichment activities for our LGBTQ+ community as well as working with the other Student Executives to organise college events, promote a range of LGBTQ+ awareness days and work with staff to support our college community.

Ellis Smith

Disability Officer 

Our Disability Officer promotes accessibility and inclusion within all Student Executive activities and within college and for the student community.

Christmas Appeal

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